About Me

I'm a 21 year old Film & TV and English lit. student at the University of Bristol. If people don't remember me from my hair, they usually remember my uniquely Glaswegian ability to have an opinion on every possible topic.

I am a freelance journalist, primarily for Time Out UK & London. I work on news, features about Gen Z culture, and social media. I'm also Editor-in-Chief of Epigram, the University of Bristol's student-run newspaper. 

I'm available for commissions or day-shifts. To get in touch email me at annierosamac@icloud.com or message me via any social media.

My Latest Work

RIP the fake ID: why young people aren’t going out

You remember the days. Assuring your friend that she looks like her older cousin’s co-worker, especially with a ponytail in. Hovering awkwardly around the corner from the off-license as your one 18-year-old pal does God’s work for the rest of you. The pit in your tummy as you recite a fake birthday to the bouncer of a sticky-floored nightclub – remembering your star sign, memorising your imaginary postcode – and the elated relief when he lets you in with a raised eyebrow and a reluctant nod. Fin

Olivia Rodrigo GUTS World Tour review – the voice of Gen Z girlhood

Perhaps it’s that she, at only 21 years old, still talks like a young girl, asking the crowd if they’re a Pisces and claiming that trading a fan a guitar pick for a one-inch tall Sylvanian Families mouse is “literally the best thing ever”. Perhaps it’s her ability to put voice to universal experiences like heartbreak, jealousy, and betrayal with stark honesty. Or perhaps it’s just the fact that she’s not a very good dancer. Whatever it is, there’s somehow no pretence with Olivia Rodrigo. Her smi

What is your degree worth? | Scrutinising Sunak's crackdown on 'Rip-off degrees'

Rishi Sunak is a tough Prime Minister. At least, that’s how he’d like to come across. He’s tough on migration, tough on crime, and now, tough on education.

In July, the PM announced that he and his government planned to crack down on ‘rip-off’ degrees, imposing caps on how many students can study certain subjects at certain universities. The new system is ‘Right for students, right for the taxpayer, and will ultimately build a better education system,’ according to Sunak. He doubled down on his
